Parable of the Pharisee & Tax Collector

Scripture Reading: Luke 18:9-14

Opening Question:

What part of this passage stands out most to you?

Core Question 1:

The meaning of Jesus’s parables seem to become more clear as He approaches Jerusalem. To whom does Jesus direct this parable? What does he tell them?

Core Question 2:

In what way do you relate to the Pharisee? In what way do you relate to the tax collector?

Core Question 3:

How do we see the self-righteous, Pharisee mind-set in our modern culture? How do we see people defining themselves through striving and comparison.

Core Question 4:

Consider A. W. Tozer’s personal prayer of repentance (From The Wisdom of God):

“Oh, I want to be other than what I am.  I want to be different.  I want to change.  I am not satisfied.  I want to believe Thee, and trust in Thee, and throw myself boldly on Thee, and I want to be made like Thyself.  I do not only want to go to heaven at last, but I want to have heaven in my heart now.  I not only want to dwell with the redeemed, I want to be like the redeemed here on the earth.  I want to be another kind of person.”

How is Tozer’s prayer similar to the tax collector’s? Do you feel resistance to any part of Tozer’s prayer?

Concluding Question:

How do you think it would affect your life if you were to persistently pray Tozer’s prayer of repentance?