Week #6


Scripture Reading: Luke 8:26-39

Opening Question:

What part of this passage stands out most to you?

Core Question 1:

What was life like for the demon-possessed man before his encounter with Jesus? What was it like for the people around him?

Core Question 2:

What kinds of bondage do we see in this passage? What would freedom look like in each situation?

Core Question 3:

What does Dallas Willard, author of Life Without Lack, believe about our understanding of freedom as Americans? Do you agree?

“…most Americans think that they ought to be able to do what they want to do whenever they want to do it.  This understanding of freedom is often identified with the American way of life.  That is as crude and straightforward a statement of Satan as you will ever find.  If there is anything you ought not to do, it is to do what you want to do whenever you want to do it…there is a true value to freedom…The pursuit of happiness, and the security of life and liberty, as the Founding Fathers understood it, are very good things and very much a reflection of ideals that express the kingdom of God.  But those ideals have been perverted over time.” 

Concluding Question:

What do you think freedom should look like in the life of follower of Jesus?