Week #9


Scripture Reading: Luke 13:10-17

Opening Question:

What does Jesus say or do in this passage that most surprises you?

Core Question 1:

What healing does Jesus offer the woman? What, if anything, does it require of her?

Core Question 2:

Can you relate to the woman’s condition of being weighed down or bound by Satan in any part of your life?

Core Question 3:

What does Timothy Keller, author of The Reason For God, believe about sin? Do you agree?

“[A]s soon as we determined to serve ourselves instead of God—as soon as we abandoned living for and enjoying God as our highest good—the entire created world became broken… Disease, genetic disorders, famine, natural disasters, aging, and death itself are as much the result of sin as are oppression, war, crime, and violence.  We have lost God’s shalom—physically, spiritually, socially, psychologically, culturally.” 

Concluding Question:

Do you believe the corollary of this statement is true? Would it bring healing to the world if we, as Jesus’s apprentices, would determine to live for and enjoy God? What would it require of us?