Week 6: Story of a Shepherd
Israelites and the Desert
Understanding the need for a shepherd in the Biblical narrative by reviewing the story of the Israelites in the desert
Scripture Reading: Exodus 14:10-28; 16:11-15, 17:5-7; 17:8-13; 40:34-38; Numbers 21:4-9
Which story of God’s provision stands out most to you?
What do we see Moses doing in these passages? What do you think he was feeling?
God writes Moses into His story as a shepherd, as well as a deliverer. Which role do you think was more difficult for Moses? Why?
How does God’s provision in the desert point ahead to Jesus?
(Think about the names we give Him—Good Shepherd, Bread of Life, etc.)
The Israelites are delivered almost instantly from slavery in Egypt, but then begin a long and difficult journey to the Promised Land.
There is a spiritual parallel: we are freed immediately from sin, but the journey back into a trusting relationship with our Good Shepherd can still be a long process. What has this process been like for you?