Week 6: Story of a Shepherd

Israelites and the Desert

Understanding the need for a shepherd in the Biblical narrative by reviewing the story of the Israelites in the desert

Scripture Reading: Exodus 14:10-28; 16:11-15, 17:5-7; 17:8-13; 40:34-38; Numbers 21:4-9

  • Which story of God’s provision stands out most to you?

  • What do we see Moses doing in these passages? What do you think he was feeling?

  • God writes Moses into His story as a shepherd, as well as a deliverer. Which role do you think was more difficult for Moses? Why?

  • How does God’s provision in the desert point ahead to Jesus?

    (Think about the names we give Him—Good Shepherd, Bread of Life, etc.)

  • The Israelites are delivered almost instantly from slavery in Egypt, but then begin a long and difficult journey to the Promised Land.

    There is a spiritual parallel: we are freed immediately from sin, but the journey back into a trusting relationship with our Good Shepherd can still be a long process. What has this process been like for you?