Devotional #2

”Jonathan said to his armor-bearer, Come, let’s go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised men. Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.’” I Samuel 14:6 (NIV)

I Samuel 14:1-23 is a dramatic portrayal of the difference between crowd and companion. Here, we read that King Saul is camped out near the Philistine army with an army of six hundred men but remains hesitant to attack. Meanwhile, his son Jonathan boldly attacks the Philistines, with only his armor-bearer fighting by his side.

Jonathan’s plan: “Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf.”

Just as faith enabled David to face Goliath, faith propels Jonathan forward. He decides to present himself to the Philistines, and that if they say, ‘Come up to us,’ it is a sign that God will fight for them.

Jonathan’s armor-bearer agrees with Jonathan’s plan saying, “Go ahead; I am with you heart and soul.” It is the response of a courageous and loyal companion. The two men climb the cliff to reach the Philistine outpost and there single-handedly slay twenty Philistine soldiers, sending the rest of the army into confusion. By the end of the day, the Philistine army is on the run.

“So on that day the Lord saved Israel…” (I Samuel 14:23)

Questions to Consider:

  • How does the crowd influence you to live cautiously?

  • What metaphorical cliff do you need to climb or enemy do you need to confront right now?

  • What companions are with you heart and soul as you go?

Prayer: Spend some time in prayer asking God what it looks like for you to live bravely in your faith and for courageous and loyal companions for the journey.