Opening Worship
Praise & Worship
Theme Song: Holy (Wedding Day) by The City Harmonic
Introduction: Ancient Wedding Practices
In Jesus’s time, a wedding involved three components:
Wedding Ceremony
Wedding Feast
Throughout the weekend, these practices will be discussed in depth, starting with the Betrothal
Modern Equivalent — Dating & Engagement
Warm-up Activity: The Dating Game
Teaching: Covenant as a Binding Promise
God’s First Covenant — Rainbow (Genesis 9:8-13)
He will not destroy earth again. Instead He will come to save the world.
From earth, the rainbow is shaped like a bow, pointing up into heaven
From space, the rainbow is a circle (Ring)
Symbolism of the Ring
Chosen-ness — Belonging to someone
Never-ending — circle has no beginning or ending
Later Covenants
God’s promise to Abraham — Make you into a great nation (Genesis 12:1-3)
God’s promise to Moses — I will be your God and you will be my people (Exodus 24)
Jesus’s promise to His disciples — “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.” (Luke 22:20)
Betrothal Covenant
A couple might very well meet for the first time at their betrothal
There was a lot of trust involved, that family members have been careful in their choosing this match for you
Male family members arranged the conditions of the contract (Ketubah)
Bride Price (Paid to bride’s family)
Bride Gifts (Given to the bride, often as a form of security in case the husband is ever unable to provide for her)
Woman had the final say
Once accepted, the betrothal was binding and required a divorce