Teaching #3

Into the Deep

Focus Scripture: John 21:15-25

Beth Moore Audacious reading

Simon vs. Peter

  • Jesus singles out Peter for extra attention - Not the first time

    • Peter is first to call Jesus the Messiah

    • Peter will be the rock on which Jesus will build His church

    • Peter called out to walk on the water

    • Jesus says that Satan has asked to sift Peter like wheat, but once Peter gets through it he will help the others

    • Jesus meets Peter’s eyes across the courtyard when Peter denies him for the third time

  • Jesus is Love; therefore, He is addressing Peter out of love - It seems harsh but it’s intended to teach/help

    • Get behind me Satan - You do not have in mind the things of God

    • Ye of little faith - You took your eyes off of me

    • You will be sifted - Learn from it and then help your brothers

    • You will deny me three times - “I love you and I’m coming back for you.”

    • You didn’t really know who you were denying. But now you’ve seen who I am.

      • You know ME - Do you love me? Will you love others for me?

      • Do you know YOU - Are you Simon? Or are you Peter?

  • Peter has been changed somewhere along the line. He chooses to be Peter, even after hearing that he will die a martyrs death.

  • Acts 2: Peter’s audacious love for Jesus leads him into the deep - Courage or death wish or a bit of both

In Over My Head

  • The best thing to do when a huge wave is coming toward you is to jump forward into it, rather than let it crash down on top of your head

  • Listen to Bethel’s “In Over My Head” -

    • Which word or phrase stands out to you the most?

  • Release of control

    • Trust the goodness of God

    • Recognize that nothing is really in our power anyway

    • Things worth doing are usually challenging

Moonlight On The Beach

  • Experience (Close your eyes and notice): What do you hear, smell, feel? Picture the sky, is it clear, cloudy, starless?

  • Presence: Notice that Jesus is beside you on the beach. What invitation might He be extending to you tonight?

    • Does He invite you to sit down to rest beside Him on the beach? Perhaps He encourages you to talk about something that has been weighing on you or simply draws you into His comforting embrace and sits with you in silence.

    • Does He take your hand and begin walking down the beach? Perhaps He offers healing of the past or reminds you how He carried you through times of desperation or pain.

    • Does He take your hand and lead into deeper water? Perhaps He share a glimpse of His purpose for your life or extends an opportunity for adventure with Him.

  • Time for Reflection & Journaling

  • Response: How do you want to respond to Jesus in this moment? How do you feel?

    • Optional activity: Place your message in the bottle as a commitment and remembrance keepsake

Follow Teaching with Breakout Session #3