Opening Illustration
Long ago, a “Masterpiece of Peace Contest” was held. The organizers of the contest began searching far and wide for the artist who could provide the best depiction of peace. Paintings slowly arrived from the four corners of the world. On the day that the winner was announced, the paintings were revealed one-by-one. With the winner saved for last.
The artists had chosen to depict peaceful landscapes—sunny beaches and winter snows, flowering meadows and mountainside lakes.
Finally, the moment arrived for the Masterpiece of Peace to be revealed. A collective gasp rose from the crowd that had gathered. For this artist had chosen a dark and stormy setting, turbulent waters crashing downward over a waterfall of terrifying height. It seemed like a cruel joke. How could this possibly be peace at its finest?
And yet, there—tucked into the branches of a spindly tree, clinging to its hold among the rocks—was a nest of baby birds, sheltered under the wings of their mother.
An image of peace, if ever there was one.
Peace-Related Scriptures: Old Testament
David fights so that his son, Solomon, and future generations can live in peace (2 Samuel 7)
There is a time for war and a time for peace (Ecclesiastes 3)
The storm immediately calms after the sailors throw Jonah into the sea (Jonah 1)
Peace-Related Scriptures: New Testament
Jesus walks through the storm (Luke 4:30)
Jesus sleeps through the storm (Luke 8:22-24)
Jesus walks on water in the storm (Matthew 14:22-33)
Jesus calms storms (Matthew 14:32; Luke 8:25)
Peace & The Gospel Message
Prince of Peace — Jesus is the 'Heir Apparent’ of the ‘Land of Peace’
Jesus will be the King in God’s kingdom of peace (i.e. shalom, wholeness)
God’s kingdom is both now and not yet
One day there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain — Revelation 21:4
But in the meantime we can still live with peace (wholeness) in the midst of a broken world
Jesus’s human life shows us how
Lived the struggles and joys of the human life
Lived whole-hearted, with His outward behavior matching His internal convictions
Gospel of Peace — Jesus had “…feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace” — Ephesians 6:15
Jesus was secure in His identity as the Beloved Son
Jesus allowed His Father to guide Him into living out His purpose
Jesus trusted that His Father would never fail in His goodness, care, and love, regardless of outward circumstances
As Christians (“Christ Followers”), we follow in Jesus’s footsteps
We are the beloved children of God
God has created us for a purpose that He will guide us into fulfilling
God’s goodness, love, and care will never fail us
No matter what we do or fail to do
No matter how difficult our outward circumstances are
A Related Meditation:
In Our Greatest Gift, Henri Nouwen provides another wonderful illustration of faith. Over the years he became friends with the Flying Rodleighs, a troupe of trapeze artists from Germany. He relates a conversation that he had one day with Rodleigh, that brought him to a deeper understanding of his faith.
This meditation can be used by individuals or as a discussion-starter for small groups.