Week 1: Sin Enters God’s Kingdom


Read Genesis 2:15-25

  • Why does God decide to make woman?

  • The Hebrew word in Genesis 2:18 that usually translates as ‘helper’ can also mean ‘deliverer?’  What is the difference between these two roles?

  • Why is it important to live in community with other people?


Read Genesis 3:1-6

  • Why does the serpent tell Eve God doesn’t want them to eat the forbidden fruit? (vs.5)

  • What do you think it looks like to ‘be like God?’

  • When do you see yourself trying to be like God in your own life?


Read Genesis 3:7-13

  • What evidence is there that Adam and Eve used to have a very close relationship with God?

  • How did the relationship between them and God change after eating the forbidden fruit?  How did the relationship change between Adam and Eve?

  • What experience do you have of blaming others or being blamed by them?

Day 4

Read Genesis 3:14-19

  • What difficulties will the serpent face as a result of sin?

  • What difficulties will Eve face as a result of sin?

  •  What difficulties will Adam face as a result of sin?

Day 5

Read Genesis 3:20-24

  • What does God make for Adam and Eve?

  • How could God preventing Adam and Eve from living forever actually be an act of love, rather than punishment?

  • How do you view death?


Read Genesis 4

  • What evidence do you see of further breakdown of human relationships in this chapter?

  • Genesis 4 ends with the statement, “At that time people began to call on the name of the Lord.”  What do you think caused people to turn back to God?

  • Can you relate to an experience of turning back or leaning toward God in your life?


Read Genesis 6:5-8

  • What does God decide to do in this scripture?

  • How well do you think God’s assessment of humans in Noah’s lifetime fits us now, “…every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time?”

  • What part do you feel you personally play in the goodness of our world?