Week 1: Sin Enters God’s Kingdom
Read Genesis 2:15-25
Why does God decide to make woman?
The Hebrew word in Genesis 2:18 that usually translates as ‘helper’ can also mean ‘deliverer?’ What is the difference between these two roles?
Why is it important to live in community with other people?
Read Genesis 3:1-6
Why does the serpent tell Eve God doesn’t want them to eat the forbidden fruit? (vs.5)
What do you think it looks like to ‘be like God?’
When do you see yourself trying to be like God in your own life?
Read Genesis 3:7-13
What evidence is there that Adam and Eve used to have a very close relationship with God?
How did the relationship between them and God change after eating the forbidden fruit? How did the relationship change between Adam and Eve?
What experience do you have of blaming others or being blamed by them?
Day 4
Read Genesis 3:14-19
What difficulties will the serpent face as a result of sin?
What difficulties will Eve face as a result of sin?
What difficulties will Adam face as a result of sin?
Day 5
Read Genesis 3:20-24
What does God make for Adam and Eve?
How could God preventing Adam and Eve from living forever actually be an act of love, rather than punishment?
How do you view death?
Read Genesis 4
What evidence do you see of further breakdown of human relationships in this chapter?
Genesis 4 ends with the statement, “At that time people began to call on the name of the Lord.” What do you think caused people to turn back to God?
Can you relate to an experience of turning back or leaning toward God in your life?
Read Genesis 6:5-8
What does God decide to do in this scripture?
How well do you think God’s assessment of humans in Noah’s lifetime fits us now, “…every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time?”
What part do you feel you personally play in the goodness of our world?