Socratic Seminar #1

Characteristics of God’s Kingdom

Scripture Reading: Genesis 1-2:14

Opening Question:

What is your favorite part of God’s creation described in this passage?

Core Question 1:

What are the characteristics of God’s perfect creation (before sin)?  

  • How does the natural world function?  

  • What is it like to be human?

Core Question 2:

What brokenness do we see in our world today?

Core Question 3:

What does Jesus teach and model about each of these parts of God’s kingdom?

  • Guiding Light & Warmth

  • Satisfying Food & Water

  • Loving Relationship w/ God & Others

  • Empowering Work & Rest

Concluding Question:

What is your reaction to the idea that God knew that all of this would happen before He ever created us, that He knew what it would cost Him to set it all right, but He chose to make us anyway?